新闻动态 2019
PATLITE announces the new WD PRO Wireless Data Acquisition System Series is now available in other countries.
PATLITE announces the new WD PRO Wireless Data Acquisition System Series is now available in the following countries:
South Korea
Current areas where WD PRO Series can be used: Japan, USA, Europe, China, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia -
NH-FV Series Receives Azure Certification for IoT
PATLITE’s NH-FV Series Signal Tower has received Microsoft Corporation’s Azure Certification for IoT. This certification proves that the device is able to run applications directly on Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform (hereafter referred to as “Azure”).
The NH-FV Series is a network-monitoring signal tower that obtains operation statuses of network equipment via Ethernet connection. The Azure feature of the NH-FV enables bi-directional data communication between the NH-FV and Azure. This means that the visual and audible signals of the NH-FV can be controlled from Azure, and the data collected from the NH-FV and other devices connected can be monitored from any remote location using the cloud.
(*The Azure function is compatible with firmware ver. 1.12 or greater.)
For more information regarding the Azure features of the NH-FV, please refer to the link below:
In recognition of this Azure Certification, Microsoft Japan sends the following message to PATLITE:
It is with great pleasure that Microsoft Japan approves PATLITE Corporation’s NH-FV Series Signal Tower as Azure Certified for IoT. With the integration of Azure IoT, we are confident that the NH-FV will provide effective signaling and data-transmitting solutions in a wide variety of work sites such as manufacturing, automation, and medical applications.
Takeshi Shobuya
Executive Officer, Director IoT Device Experience
Microsoft Japan -
PATLITE中国 将参加2019工业自动化展
The New Signal Light Flashing Beacons REL and REL Option Part (REL-001) is now on sale.
The New Signal Tower Lights EDLR is now on sale.
For more information on the EDLR, click here! -
更多详情,点击LR6-IL! -
PATLITE中国 将参加2019中国(华南)国际机器人与自动化展览会
PATLITE中国 将参加2019中国(上海)国际数据中心产业展览会 (IDCEXPO 2019)
[展览会] PATLITE中国 将参加2019中国(上海)国际数据中心产业展览会 (IDCEXPO 2019)
展会信息: -
2019 e-works第五届日本智能工厂考察之旅,走进派特莱
2019年6月5日,派特莱总公司接待了由e-works数字化企业网和中国人工智能学会智能制造专业委员会组织的“2019 e-works第五届日本智能工厂考察之旅”考察团一行。考察团由武文光博士带队,团队成员均为中国制造企业高层领导、信息化和生产管理负责人。派特莱日本总部
精益制造,数字化工厂,智能制造是未来制造业的必然发展方向,考察团对日本派特莱公司先进的自动化技术和精益生产模式表示了极大肯定,派特莱将不负所望,为广大客户提供行业领先的产品与服务,助力智能制造。 -
PATLITE introduces the innovatively designed NE LED Signal Light Series compatible with IO-Link, now on Sale!
PATLITE introduces the new WD-Pro Wireless Data Acquisition System Series, now on Sale!
PATLITE introduces the WD-Pro Wireless Data Acquisition System Series and supported software:
The supported software are:
Updated version of WDS WIN-01 Hardware System Setting Softwarefor compatibility with the WD-Pro Series
The connector cable WDX-SC01-Pro for connecting to the WD-Pro Series
派特莱荣获 “第十七届中国自动化及智能化年度评选”两项大奖
2019年3月1日,第15届中国自动化及智能制造服务年会(简称“CAIMRS”)以“智联•志远”为主题,在北京盛大启幕。派特莱公司参加了此次盛会并斩获两项大奖:“卓越经理人”及“智造服务奖”。 本次大会上揭晓了第十七届中国自动化及智能化年度评选榜单,从2018年12月正式启动评选以来,总投票近62万余次,共有11类奖项484个报名候选,12名行业知名专家评审团严格把关,派特莱公司凭借专业的产品及高效优质的技术服务脱颖而出,荣获智造服务奖,此外,公司总经理顾继新先生凭借多年来在工业领域的辛勤耕耘荣获卓越经理人奖。派特莱电子荣获“智造服务奖”总经理顾继新荣获“卓越经理人奖”新产品、新技术、新应用是产业前进的脚印,领军企业、领袖人物、领创模式是扬帆领航的标杆,本次获奖既是业界对派特莱的认可,更是激励派特莱前进的动力,派特莱将继续秉持为各经销商及用户提供技术服务的经营宗旨,弘扬“派特莱PATLITE”品牌,开发和扩展派特莱产品的应用领域,为广大客户提供行业经济技术信息。